Leyton’s 1st birthday was a lemonade themed party. I love a good theme and this was super easy because there are so many adorable lemon decorations everywhere! Especially now, 6 years later…lemons are so in! I begged and begged the hubs to make a lemonade stand and he convinced his brother to come help. Side note…we have used this lemonade stand soooooo many times, even though he has wanted to throw it away soooo many times (more about that another time). This was the center for all the decoration.

I had some printables done on Etsy for the invitations, pinwheels, stickers, cupcakes and signs. I don’t know if she still has the coordinating party printables but there are tons of cute ones on Etsy if she doesn’t, I have linked some below. For the cupcakes I had some simple ones made and bought these adorable lemon candies to put on top with the cupcake toppers. I also got the tassel from Etsy (similar linked below). Lots of the decor on the tables were just jars filled with lemons and candy.

I bought some crates from AC Moore and spray painted them and used them for behind the stand for the kids to stand on and to create this mini stand for the front porch when people arrived. This was super easy, I just bought a couple small pieces of wood to create this.

For the favors I bought some bubbles and added tags to them. The tags just came circular but I used one of the scallop edge cutters to make the larger ones and glued them together. I did the same thing with the cupcake toppers.

Always add a ribbon or bow to everything!! Most items linked below.